Home institutions must send to CESPU International Mobility & Cooperation Office the official list of the nominated students (full name, field of study, period of study, type of mobility and electronic contact) by email to erasmus@cespu.pt.
CESPU International Mobility & Cooperation Office sends to students and their respective coordinators information about CESPU and about the required documents to submit the official application.
The APPLICATION FORM is online. The link will be sent to each student after receiving the official nomination.
At the end of the application students must upload the following mandatory documents:
To prepare your Learning Agreement you must discuss your options with your academic coordinator.
Our classes are mostly in Portuguese, although the 1st years of Dentistry, Pharmacy, Veterinary, Physiotherapy & Osteopathy have classes in French.
You can select the curricular units you need to complete by consulting the courses catalogue at our webpage.
You can only course annual units if you stay for the entire year. If you are going to stay for just one semester, you can only choose units from that correspondent semester. If you select units from different years, you take the risk of timetable overlapping. Our schedules are only available at the beginning of each semester. But we can advise students considering the schedules of the previous year.
Also, be aware that you must stay for the entire semester and perform the exams at the end to successfully complete a curricular unit. We cannot change the dates of the exams. We do not send exams by mail.
To be accepted the LA must be filled, have the correct name, semester and ECTS of CESPU curricular units and must be signed by the student and by the home coordinator.
CESPU will send the Acceptance/Declining of the mobility proposed to the applicant students by email within 5 weeks after closing the respective applications period. As sooner you send the required documents as soon you receive the result of your application. We do not recommend students to book flights or accommodation before having the official acceptance.
Non-European Students will receive the official acceptance letter to start the request of VISA for studies at the Portuguese consulate in their country of residence. This process is the entire responsibility of the applicant students.
Students are required to send a copy of the VISA as soon as they get it to erasmus@cespu.pt and present the original upon their arrival at the CESPU Erasmus Office.
Students who do not have a valid student visa will not be registered at CESPU and their condition will be reported to SEF (Serviço de Estrangeiros e Fronteiras / Portuguese Immigration and Borders Service).
More information on Portuguese consular posts worldwide and obtaining student visa can be found in the following websites:
EMAIL: erasmus@cespu.pt
TELEPHONE: (00351) 224 157 200/202
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